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Conditions of availability of information prepared in connection with the Combined Shareholders’ Meeting to be held May 12, 2021

April 21, 2021 Conditions of availability of information preparedin connection with the Combined Shareholders’ Meetingto be held May 12, 2021 Shareholders are informed that by decision of the Board of Directors and in the context of the health crisis, the Combined Shareholders’ Meeting will be held behind closed doors on Wednesday May 12, 2021 at 3:00 pm, at 8-10 rue de Renard – 75004 Paris, without the physical presence of the shareholders. How to participate? The preliminary notice of meeting (avis préalable de réunion), including the agenda and the draft resolutions was published in the French Bulletin des annonces légales obligatoires (BALO) on April 7, 2021 and the convening notice of meeting (avis de convocation) will be published in the French Bulletin des annonces légales obligatoires (BALO) on April 23, 2021. The above-mentioned notices, as well as the notice of meeting (brochure de convocation), which are available on the Company’s website, describe the terms and conditions for participation in the Shareholders’ Meeting in the specific context of the health crisis. It is also indicated that no admission card will be issued and that the shareholders will only be able to exercise their voting rights remotely or by mail prior to the Meeting. They are invited to vote by mail using the voting form or by Internet on the VOTACCESS secure voting platform, or to give a proxy to the Chairperson of the Meeting or to a person of their choice following the same conditions. Shareholders are also reminded that given the current health context, they are encouraged to submit all of their requests and documents by electronic means. As the Shareholders’ Meeting is held behind closed doors, no new resolutions or proposed amendments may be added to the agenda during the meeting by the shareholders. In accordance with Article 8-2 of Decree no. 2020-418 of April 10, 2020 and by way of exception of Article R. 225-84 of the French Commercial Code, the shareholders may submit written questions, along with their certificate of account registration, no later than the second business day preceding the Shareholders’ Meeting, i.e., by Monday, May 10, 2021. As the Shareholders’ Meeting will be held behind closed doors and in order to promote shareholder dialogue, the shareholders will also have the opportunity, until Tuesday, May 11, 2021 at 3:00 p.m. Paris time, to ask questions which are not assimilated to written questions at the following address: These questions, previously selected by theme, will be answered during the Shareholder’s Meeting. The Meeting will be broadcasted live and the webcast will also be available afterwards on the Company’s website:, within the period provided for by the applicable regulations. Documents relating to the Shareholders’ Meeting The documents and information referred to in article R. 225-83 of the French Commercial Code are made available to the shareholders as of this date, in accordance with the applicable regulations. They can be consulted and downloaded on the Company’s website:, under the heading « Shareholders’ Meeting of May 12, 2021 ». Any shareholder holding registered shares may request that the Company sends these documents at no charge, up to and including the fifth day prior to the Meeting (for shareholders holding bearer shares, the exercise of this right is subject to the submission of a certificate of participation issued by their financial institution). Any shareholder may consult these documents at the Company’s registered office, up to the fifteenth day prior to the Meeting. To exercise their requests for communication of documents and their consultation at the registered office of the Company, the shareholders are invited to use electronic means and to send their request by email to the following address: Given the current health context and pursuant to Article 3 of Ordinance no. 2020-321 of March 25, 2020, the above-mentioned documents may be validly communicated by email. The shareholders are requested to provide their email address along with their request. Invitation to consult the Company’s website More generally, shareholders are invited to regularly consult the Company’s website, in particular the heading Investor Center / Shareholders’ Information / Shareholders’ Meeting. Any information on the terms and conditions of participation that may be amended in light of legislative and regulatory provisions that may be introduced after the publication of this notice will be made available there. The composition of the office (Bureau) of the Shareholders’ Meeting will also be specified on the Company’s website in the near future. * * * About Technicolor – Follow us: @Technicolor – Technicolor shares are on the Euronext Paris exchange (TCH) and traded in the USA on the OTCQX marketplace (OTCQX: TCLRY). Attachment 20210421 – Conditions of availability of information prepared in connection with the SM

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