$0.06 EPS Expected for AXT, Inc. (NASDAQ:AXTI) This Quarter

Equities research analysts forecast that AXT, Inc. (NASDAQ:AXTI) will announce earnings per share of $0.06 for the current fiscal quarter, according to Zacks Investment Research. Three analysts have issued estimates for AXT’s earnings. AXT posted earnings of ($0.01) per share during the same quarter last year, which indicates a positive year-over-year growth rate of 700%. The business is scheduled to announce its next earnings report on Wednesday, April 28th.

On average, analysts expect that AXT will report full year earnings of $0.26 per share for the current financial year, with EPS estimates ranging from $0.25 to $0.29. For the next year, analysts expect that the business will post earnings of $0.31 per share, with EPS estimates ranging from $0.30 to $0.31. Zacks Investment Research’s EPS calculations are a mean average based on a survey of research analysts that follow AXT.

AXT (NASDAQ:AXTI) last announced its earnings results on Wednesday, February 17th. The semiconductor company reported $0.05 EPS for the quarter, topping the Zacks’ consensus estimate of $0.03 by $0.02. AXT had a negative return on equity of 0.46% and a negative net margin of 1.01%.

Several equities analysts have issued reports on AXTI shares. Craig Hallum reaffirmed a “buy” rating and issued a $17.00 price target on shares of AXT in a report on Friday, February 19th. Northland Securities upped their target price on AXT from $10.00 to $15.00 and gave the stock an “outperform” rating in a research note on Friday, February 19th. BWS Financial lifted their price objective on shares of AXT from $14.00 to $20.00 and gave the company a “buy” rating in a report on Thursday, February 25th. B. Riley increased their target price on AXT from $10.50 to $12.00 and gave the company a “neutral” rating in a research report on Friday, February 19th. Finally, Zacks Investment Research upgraded AXT from a “hold” rating to a “buy” rating and set a $17.00 price objective on the stock in a report on Monday, February 22nd. One investment analyst has rated the stock with a hold rating and four have issued a buy rating to the stock. The stock has a consensus rating of “Buy” and an average target price of $16.20.


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NASDAQ AXTI opened at $13.87 on Friday. The company’s 50-day simple moving average is $12.15 and its two-hundred day simple moving average is $8.86. The company has a market capitalization of $572.83 million, a price-to-earnings ratio of -462.18 and a beta of 2.29. AXT has a one year low of $1.85 and a one year high of $15.84.

In related news, Director Jesse Chen sold 10,000 shares of the business’s stock in a transaction dated Friday, February 26th. The shares were sold at an average price of $13.09, for a total value of $130,900.00. Following the sale, the director now directly owns 93,056 shares in the company, valued at approximately $1,218,103.04. The transaction was disclosed in a legal filing with the Securities & Exchange Commission, which is available through this link. Also, CEO Morris S. Young sold 37,000 shares of the stock in a transaction that occurred on Tuesday, January 5th. The shares were sold at an average price of $10.01, for a total transaction of $370,370.00. The disclosure for this sale can be found here. In the last quarter, insiders sold 97,000 shares of company stock valued at $1,076,970. 8.10% of the stock is owned by insiders.

Institutional investors have recently added to or reduced their stakes in the stock. JPMorgan Chase & Co. raised its holdings in shares of AXT by 167.9% in the 4th quarter. JPMorgan Chase & Co. now owns 38,999 shares of the semiconductor company’s stock worth $373,000 after purchasing an additional 24,441 shares during the period. Credit Suisse AG acquired a new position in shares of AXT in the fourth quarter worth about $119,000. Citigroup Inc. boosted its stake in shares of AXT by 306.7% during the 4th quarter. Citigroup Inc. now owns 7,630 shares of the semiconductor company’s stock valued at $73,000 after buying an additional 5,754 shares during the last quarter. Dynamic Technology Lab Private Ltd bought a new position in AXT during the 4th quarter valued at $131,000. Finally, Rhumbline Advisers grew its stake in AXT by 13.6% in the fourth quarter. Rhumbline Advisers now owns 66,082 shares of the semiconductor company’s stock worth $632,000 after purchasing an additional 7,927 shares in the last quarter. Hedge funds and other institutional investors own 61.83% of the company’s stock.

About AXT

AXT, Inc researches, develops, and produces compound and single element semiconductor substrates. It produces semiconductor substrates using its proprietary vertical gradient freeze technology. The company offers indium phosphide (InP) for use in fiber optic lasers and detectors, passive optical networks, data center connectivity, silicon photonics, photonic integrated circuits, terrestrial solar cells, radio frequency amplifier and switching, infrared light-emitting diode (LEDs) motion control, and infrared thermal imaging, as well as for 5G.

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Earnings History and Estimates for AXT (NASDAQ:AXTI)

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20 “Past Their Prime” Stocks to Dump From Your Portfolio

Did you know the S&P 500 as we know it today does not look anything close to what it looked like 30 years ago? In 1987, IBM, Exxon, GE, Shell, AT&T, Merck, Du Pont, Philip Morris, Ford, and GM had the largest market caps on the S&P 500. ExxonMobil is the only company on that list to remain in the top 10 in 2017. Even 15 years ago, companies like Radio Shack, AOL, Yahoo, and Blockbuster were an important part of the S&P 500. Now, these companies no longer exist as public companies.

As the years go by, some companies lose their luster, and others rise to the top of the markets. We’ve already seen this in the last few decades, with tech companies surpassing industrial and energy companies that once dominated the S&P 500. It’s hard to know what the next mega-trend will be that will knock Apple, Google, and Amazon off the top rankings of the S&P 500, but we know that companies won’t stay on the S&P 500 forever.

We’ve identified 20 companies that are past their prime. They aren’t at risk of a near-term delisting from the S&P 500, but they show negative earnings growth for the next several years. If you own any of these stocks, consider selling them now before they become the next Yahoo, Radio Shack, Blockbuster, AOL and are sold off for a fraction of their former value.

View the “20 “Past Their Prime” Stocks to Dump From Your Portfolio”.

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