Overall market sentiment has been down on MaxLinear, Inc. (MXL) stock lately. MXL receives a Bearish rating from InvestorsObserver’s Stock Sentiment Indicator.

What is Stock Sentiment?
When making investment decisions, sentiment gives a good overview of what stocks investors currently favor. Sentiment incorporates short-term technical analysis into its score and does not encompass any fundamental analysis such as profitability of the company. This means that earnings updates and other news can greatly impact overall sentiment.
Sentiment is how investors, or the market, feels about a stock. There are lots of ways to measure sentiment. At the core, sentiment is pretty easy to understand. If a stock is going up, investors must be bullish, while if it is going down, sentiment is bearish.
InvestorsObserver’s Sentiment Indicator looks at price trends over the past week and also considers changes in volume. Increasing volume can mean a trend is getting stronger, while decreasing volume can mean a trend is nearing a conclusion.
For stocks that have options, our system also considers the balance between calls, which are often bets that the price will go up, and puts, which are frequently bets that the price will fall.
What’s Happening With MXL Stock Today?
MaxLinear, Inc. (MXL) stock is trading at $33.10 as of 10:06 AM on Thursday, Feb 4, an increase of $2.31, or 7.5% from the previous closing price of $30.79. The stock has traded between $32.99 and $35.92 so far today. Volume today is light. So far 244,620 shares have traded compared to average volume of 523,459 shares.
To see the top 5 stocks in the Semiconductors industry click here.
More About MaxLinear, Inc.
MaxLinear Inc is a provider of radio frequency and mixed-signal integrated circuits for cable and satellite broadband communications, the connected home, and for data center, metro, and long-haul fiber networks. The company’s radio frequency receiver products capture and process digital and analog broadband signals to be decoded for various applications. MaxLinear’s product options include both radio frequency receivers and radio frequency receiver systems-on-chips. The company’s products enable the distribution and display of broadband video and data content in a wide range of electronic devices. Customers for MaxLinear include original equipment manufacturers, module makers, and original design manufacturers.
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