China’s Semiconductor Boom: 72 Chip Companies Receive CN ¥26.7 Billion in 2020

According to Chinese media Zhidongxi, from the second quarter of this year to July 23, public record shows 77 semiconductor-related financing activities in China. A total of 72 companies have received total financing up to CN¥ 26.7 billion (or US $3.8 billion). China’s capital investment in the chip industry in the second quarter of this year showed a nearly 10-fold increase from last year.

In the stock market, chip companies like SMIC and Cambricon have attracted high IPOs. Their success is also backed by numerous new entries into the field: according enterprise database Tianyancha, as of July 16, China formed over 17,000 integrated circuit (IC) companies in the second quarter of 2020, a yearly increase of 30 percent.

With the acceleration of China’s new infrastructure development, investors are diversifying their semiconductor portfolio, covering communication, AI, storage control, radio frequency, power management, chip foundry, etching equipment and others. Among them, connection chips involving IoT, 5G and satellite communications, automotive chips for power management and power devices, and AI chips for intelligent computing are the three most heated areas, drawing in 100 investors to over 16 companies.

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