In discovering the existence of an intelligent life beyond the world, the first question we may ask is “How do we communicate?” As we approach the 50th anniversary of the 1974 Arecibo message — the first attempt by people to send a miss that can be understood by outside intelligence — the question is more urgent than any other. time. Advances in remote sensing technology have shown that many stars in our galaxy host planets and that many of these exoplanets appear to be able to host liquid water on their surfaces — a prerequisites for life as we know it. The complexity of at least one of these billions of planets having an intelligent life seems good enough to take a moment to think about how to say “hello.”
In early March, an international team of researchers led by Jonathan Jiang of NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory posted a paper on the preprint server describing a new design for a message intended for foreign recipients. The 13-page book, dubbed “Beacon in the Galaxy,” is a keynote in mathematics, chemistry and biology that is strongly linked to Arecibo’s message design and other past efforts to connect strangers. The researchers included a detailed plan for the best time of the year to spread the message and revealed a thick ring of stars near the center of our galaxy as a successful outcome. Importantly, the ad also features a new return address to help any foreign audience locate our destination. position in the galaxy in order to — hopefully — start a visual conversation.
“The motivation for the design is to provide a high amount of information about our society and ethnicity with less message,” Jiang said. “With the advancement of technology, it could be much more efficient than the [Arecibo message] of 1974.”
Message Basics
- 1 Message Basics
- 2 To Send or Not?
- 3 Why do scientists need space telescopes?
- 4 Can a satellite see a person?
- 5 Will Arecibo be rebuilt?
- 6 Why was the Arecibo Observatory destroyed?
- 7 What does observatory mean?
- 8 Is Arecibo still active?

Any visual message must answer two basic questions: what to say and how to do it. Almost every message spread by humans in space starts with the establishment of common sense and a basic lesson in science and math, two topics with which we are often familiar with strangers. If a nation beyond our planet could build a radio to receive our message, it might know a thing or two about physics. An even worse question is how to use these ideas in advertising. Human language is not questioned for obvious reasons, but so is our mathematical system. Although the concept of numbers is almost universal, the way we present them as numbers is very relevant. That’s why many businesses, including “Beacon in the Galaxy,” choose to design their books as a bitmap, a way to use binary code to create a pixelated image.
The philosophy of bitmap design for visual communication goes back to Arecibo’s message. An approximation — the on/off, present/less nature of a binary is likely to be recognized by any type of intelligence. But the plan always has its flaws. In the pioneering search for extraterrestrial intelligence (SETI) scientist Frank Drake designed a model of the Arecibo message, which he sent the binary message by mail to several partners, including several Nobel laureates. None of them were able to understand what it was, and only one knew that the binary was meant to be a bitmap. If some of the most intelligent people struggle to understand this type of signaling as a message, it does not seem to be much more successful as a stranger. Also, it is not clear that outsiders will be able to see the images that contain the message when they receive it.
“One of the main ideas is that, since viewing has happened independently many times around the world, it means aliens will also be available,” Douglas Vakoch said. , president of METI (Messaging Extraterrestrial Intelligence) International, a non -profit organization dedicated to finding out how to do it. associated with other lifestyles. “But it’s a big ‘if,’ and even if they can see it, there’s a lot of culture that is embedded in the way we represent objects. Does that mean we have to put aside images? It’s really No. That means we shouldn’t foolishly assume that our information will be understood. ”
In 2017 Vakoch and his partners sent the first scientific data release message since 2003 to a nearby star. Also, it was labeled in binary, but it avoided bitmaps for a series of messages that analyzed the concepts of time and radio waves by means of returning to the radio wave carrying the message. Jiang and his friends chose another path. They based most of their designs on the 2003 Cosmic Call broadcast from the Yevpatoriaradio telescope in Ukraine. This message features a traditional “alphabet” created by physicians Yvan Dutil and Stéphane Dumas as a provincial language designed to be strong against mistakes.
After the initial pronunciation of a first number to mark the message as a specific object, Jiang’s message uses the external alphabet to identify our base-10 numbers and base numbers. With this basic principle, the message uses the spin-flip transition of a hydrogen atom to define the concept of time and mark the time when the radiation was sent from Earth, introducing common elements from the Earth. time table, and shows the structure and chemistry of DNA. . The final pages may be more interesting on the outside but even more confusing because they think the receiver is comparing things the same way people do. The following pages show a picture of a woman and a human being, a map of the world, a picture of our solar system, the radio that strangers should use to respond to the message. and coordination of our solar system to the galaxy in question. the location of globular clusters — the fixed and enduring parts of a thousand stars that seem to be familiar to a stranger anywhere in the galaxy.
“We know the location of more than 50 globular clusters,” Jiang said. “If there’s a progressive person, we say, if they know astrophysics, they also know where the globular cluster is, so we can use this as a coordinator to prove it. the place of our sun. “
To Send or Not?

Jiang and his friends say they send their messages from the Allen Telescope Array in northern California or the Five-Hundred-Meter Aperture Spherical Radio Telescope (FAST) in China. Since the recent demise of the Arecibo telescope in Puerto Rico, these two radios are the only ones in the world that are actively working on SETI researchers. Now, however, the two things can be heard in space, but not talked about. Jiang points out that wearing any vision and equipment needed to spread the message is not a trivial matter. But doing so is possible, and he said he is continuing discussions with researchers at FAST about implementation.
If Jiang and his colleagues get a chance to deliver their message, they thought it best to do so sometime in March or October, when the world is at a 90-degree angle between the sun and its focus on the center of the Milky. Road. This will increase the chances of missing the missile in the noise behind our host star. But it is a deeper question of whether we should send a message.
Foreign messages have always occupied a controversial position in the general public of SETI, which has largely focused on listening to broadcasts from out rather than throwing ourselves away. To the fans of the “strong SETI,” the system is a waste of time at best and a risky bet at worst. There are billions of goals to choose from, and the difficulty we have in sending a message to the right planet at the right time is extremely low. Also, we don’t know who might be listening. But what if we gave our address to an exotic animal that lives on a diet of bipedal hominins?
“I don’t live in fear of an attack of people, but other people do. And because I don’t share their fear it doesn’t matter what their concerns are,” Sheri Wells-Jensen said. , is an assistant professor of English at Bowling Green State University and is an expert in language and cultural subjects related to interpersonal communication. “Just because it’s going to be hard to reach a global agreement on what to throw or we should throw doesn’t mean we shouldn’t. It’s our responsibility to fight this and involve a lot. people who can. ”
Despite the setbacks, many argue that the potential rewards from a strong SETI outweigh the risks. The first contact is one of the most important moments in the history of our tribe, the debate goes on, and if we wait for someone to call us, it may never happen. As for the risk of an alien destroying the universe: We were blown away by our tragedy in the past. Any celestial being that can travel around the world will be more than able to detect evidence of life in the chemical signatures of our atmosphere or the electric heater that flowed. from our radio, television and radar systems for the last century. “This is an invitation to everyone in the world to join a conversation about sending this message,” Jiang said. “We hope, by publishing this paper, we can encourage people to think about this.”
Daniel Oberhaus is a science fiction writer based in Brooklyn, N.Y. He was previously a staff writer at Wired covering space research and the future of energy. His first book, Extraterrestrial Languages (MIT Press, 2019), is about the art and science of fast communication. Follow Oberhaus on Twitter @DMOberhaus.
Why do scientists need space telescopes?

The main reason we put telescopes in space is to move around the Earth’s atmosphere so that we can get a clear view of the planets, stars, and galaxies we are studying. Our environment acts like a protective blanket that only a little light passes through while others are obscured.
Of what use is the universe worth more than the things on earth *? Space has a greater chance of being exposed to the cloudy effects of the Earth’s atmosphere. In addition, many waves from the electromagnetic spectrum do not reach the Earth because they are absorbed or reflected by the Earth’s air.
What are three advantages to space telescopes?
Good condition. It is possible to make clear statements because they do not harm the air. There are no disturbances due to lightning, sunlight or the effects of light damage. Many waves of electromagnetic radiation such as infrared, ultraviolet, x-ray and gamma rays can be observed.
What are some advantages of space telescopes over telescopes on Earth?
Observations such as Hubble have a much clearer view of the universe than most of them on the ground. They can also study radio spectrum and wavelengths throughout the electricity spectrum.
What are two key advantages of space telescopes?
The Hubble telescope offers four main benefits over many other space -specific objects: modeling on a vast terrain, dramatic displays from near infrared to far ultraviolet, a vast dark sky, and stable images that enable accurate photometry.
What advantages do space telescopes have over Earth based telescopes quizlet?
What benefits do airplanes have over the world? Astronomy revolves above the Earth’s atmosphere and produces much clearer images than basic visions on Earth.
What is not an advantage of space telescopes over ground-based telescopes?
Which of the following is not a benefit of the Hubble Space Telescope rather than the use of the earth? It is close to the stars. Which of the following wavelengths cannot be studied visually on the ground? Telescopes operating on this long wave must be sufficient to monitor space.
What are the advantages of placing telescopes in space quizlet?
How good is it to put visuals in space? allows us to monitor the remaining part of the electric spectrum that does not reach the land/sea.
Can a satellite see a person?

The answer: no. Satellites are very different in terms of the details they can “see”. Why can’t NOAA’s satellites see someone’s home?
Do satellites watch us? In a few short decades, the activity and actions of large groups of people in the world can be constantly monitored.
Do satellites camera?
Satellites can take images from space, but most of the thousands of cameras on orbit don’t bother your home, experts say.
Are satellites spying on US?
Each of us is being visited from space. Satellite satellites of the growing number of nations orbit the planet, and gather information about what people are doing beneath the earth.
Can satellites take video?
Images from the highest level in the world, shown at a press conference in New York in June, were shocking not only because of their high clarity but also because they added a new feature to the satellite imagery- time.
Can satellites see your face?
Unless you look up at the sky, where the satellite is, you can’t see all your faces. Spy satellites have scanners and can see the information below by reading vehicle registration documents. So it’s easy to see your face because you’re not just looking straight down but looking around like a bus.
Can spy satellites take video?
The problem: a network of pre -rotated satellite spies can capture images with impressive results, but they cannot capture images. In order to get around the lows required for their eyes to take good pictures, they have to move fast — too fast to take pictures.
What can spy satellites see?
They have a sample size of 5-6 inches, which means they can see anything 5 inches or more above the ground. These satellites probably can’t read your house number, but they can see if there is a bike parked in your street.
What can a spy satellite see?
They have a sample size of 5-6 inches, which means they can see anything 5 inches or more above the ground. These satellites probably can’t read your house number, but they can see if there is a bike parked in your street.
Can satellites see inside your house?
NOAA satellites have the potential to provide amazing views of the world. But most people want to know if these satellites can see their homes, or their roofs and shields to the people inside. The answer: no. Satellites are very different in the amount of information they can ‘see’.
What does a spy satellite do?
A surveillance satellite or intelligent satellite (usually, though unofficially, referred to as a spy satellite) is an earth surveillance or communications satellite. are installed for military or intellectual applications.
Will Arecibo be rebuilt?
Arecibo officials have stressed that it will continue to exist, but the agency has not committed to rebuilding the telescope as it is, or supporting a new project on a similar scale. The workshop was not funded and was not intended to provide selected jobs.
Can Arecibo be repaired? UCF Press Release (Sept 10 2020): Update to Arecibo Observatory Facility After Telescope Damage. A pilot test of the current state of the entire telescope began on August 17 and is expected to be completed within the next two weeks.
How much would it cost to rebuild the Arecibo telescope?
UASHINGTON – A report by the National Science Foundation estimates it will cost up to $ 50 million to clean up the damage from the collapsed Arecibo radio model, but it is early to see how to recover. built the famous observatory.
Are they going to replace Arecibo?
Scientists have been trying to resume work on the famous observatory after its show fell in December. Some scientists believe they should consider a replacement for the telescope – which could cost up to $ 500 million -. …
Can Arecibo be saved?
Data from the mirror that fell on Arecibo’s radio is stored safely at UT Austin’s Texas Advanced Computing Center. An institutional partnership was established to securely transmit more than three petabytes of data from Arecibo’s 50 years of research.
How much would it cost to replace the Arecibo telescope?
The NSF, the primary support for the study, conducted a panel discussion over the summer to discuss ideas for a candidate or other possible options for Arecibo’s future. Some scientists believe they should consider a replacement for the telescope – which could cost up to $ 500 million -.
Can Arecibo be saved?
Data from the mirror that fell on Arecibo’s radio is stored safely at UT Austin’s Texas Advanced Computing Center. An institutional partnership was established to securely transmit more than three petabytes of data from Arecibo’s 50 years of research.
What will happen to the Arecibo Observatory?
After a review of engineering research found the damage to the Arecibo Observatory could not be sustained without risk to builders and workers at the facility, the U.S. National Science Foundation will begin the plans to destroy the 305 -meter telescope, which has been in operation for 57 years. a world class …
What caused the Arecibo telescope to collapse?
Once the world’s largest single -cup radio telesopope, Arecibo’s 900 tonne standard instrument, held about 500 feet above the cup, fell down in December 2020 when the following its support cables.
Why was the Arecibo Observatory destroyed?
On December 1, the disaster controlled many wires that were broken and the stage, such as the weight of 2000 grand pianos, fell into the cupboard. The loss has saddened scientists around the world. Despite being 57 years old, Arecibo was still a scientific researcher.
Why was the Arecibo Observatory not renovated? The agency decided not to try to repair the telescope again after the wires broke in August and early November because the engineering companies thought it was unsafe for the crew to do the repair work.
Why did the Arecibo Observatory collapse?
By mid -November, the U.S. The National Science Foundation (NSF), which owns the site, decided it was too difficult to repair the telescope – but before the agency could break it, gravity did the job. On December 1, 2020, the level collapsed, hitting the soft plate.
What really happened at the Arecibo Observatory?
It was hit by a broken feed line that fell from the equipment stand and fell into the bowl, along with other debris. More important than the storms, however, Arecibo reduced funding. The National Science Foundation has been trying for years to welcome Arecibo’s money into new projects.
How was the Arecibo Observatory damaged?
And in 1974, it was used to carry a “Hello” message into space. The Arecibo Observatory collapsed when its 900-ton receiver dropped to a hundred feet, hitting the radio down. Investigators have been saddened by the loss of the telescope since the NSF announced its emergency report last month.
What really happened at the Arecibo Observatory?
It was hit by a broken feed line that fell from the equipment stand and fell into the bowl, along with other debris. More important than the storms, however, Arecibo reduced funding. The National Science Foundation has been trying for years to welcome Arecibo’s money into new projects.
What is significant about the observatory at Arecibo?
Completed in 1963 and operated by the U.S. National Science Foundation since the 1970s, the Arecibo Observatory has assisted in many important scientific studies, including the first discovery of a binary pulsar, the first discovery of an extrasolar planet. , the composition of the ionosphere, and …
What caused Arecibo collapse?
Once the world’s largest single -cup radio telesopope, Arecibo’s 900 tonne standard instrument, held about 500 feet above the cup, fell down in December 2020 when the following its support cables.
How was the Arecibo Observatory damaged?
And in 1974, it was used to carry a “Hello” message into space. The Arecibo Observatory collapsed when its 900-ton receiver dropped to a hundred feet, hitting the radio down. Investigators have been saddened by the loss of the telescope since the NSF announced its emergency report last month.
What does observatory mean?
Definition of survey 1: a building or facility provided or equipped for the observation of natural phenomena (such as astronomy) as well as: an organization whose main purpose is to do such things. 2: a position or structure that dictates a general view. Synonyms Example Verses Learn more about the observatory.
What is the penalty for the Observatory? Examples of Observatory passages. In 1843 he became a doctor of philosophy at the Munich Observatory, where he became a professor in 1859. In 1851 he visited the Bonn Observatory, and studied astronomy under Argelander. . The show ended in 1855.
What observatories mean?
Definition of survey 1: a building or facility provided or equipped for the observation of natural phenomena (such as astronomy) as well as: an organization whose main purpose is to do such things.
What does Colied mean?
verb (used without a noun), leavened, stumbled. to hit each other or each other with a powerful effect; come into violent communication; accident: Two vehicles collided with an ear accident. to contradict; contradiction: Their views were consistent on the subject. verb (use with objects), collide, collide.
What do observatories have?
astronomical observatory, any structure that has observers and aids to observe celestial objects. Observatories can be classified on the basis of the area of the electromagnetic spectrum that was designed to be observed.
What does the root word in observatory mean?
Observatory comes from the verb observe, or “watch,” which is rooted in the Latin observare, “watch or guard.”
What does the root word indicate mean?
The verb indicare comes from the noun indicare, which comes from the Latin word indicare, meaning “something to indicate or show.”
What is a meaning of the word observe?
Definition of moving verb hook. 1: to attribute an action or action to (something, such as a rule, rule, or condition): to obey compliance with the law and as a result must pay a fine. 2: the inspection or observation of a sign, symbol, or sight of a sacred goose flying.
What is another word for observatory?
On this page you can find 22 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for observation, such as: panetarium, beacon, overlook, observation post, lookout, observation tower, lookout station, coelostat, coronagraph , coronograph and refractor.
What is a synonym for planetarium?
On this page you can find 3 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for the panetarium, such as: Stardome, imax and observatory.
What is the antonym of observatory?
careless | not listening |
cheap | abandoned |
the mind |
Is Arecibo still active?
Add to NRHP | September 23, 2008 |
[edit in Wikidata] |
Is Arecibo gone? The heavy equipment foundation falls off before engineers can repair the breakage. The Arecibo Observatory is gone.
What is happening with Arecibo?
By mid -November, the U.S. The National Science Foundation (NSF), which owns the site, decided it was too difficult to repair the telescope – but before the agency could break it, gravity did the job. On December 1, 2020, the level collapsed, hitting the soft plate.
Are they going to replace Arecibo?
Scientists have been trying to resume work on the famous observatory after its show fell in December. Some scientists believe they should consider a replacement for the telescope – which could cost up to $ 500 million -. …
What caused Arecibo collapse?
Once the world’s largest single -cup radio telesopope, Arecibo’s 900 tonne standard instrument, held about 500 feet above the cup, fell down in December 2020 when the following its support cables.